11 Questions with Jen Ripple of Dun Magazine on the Art of Fly Fishing

What inspired you to start Dun Magazine, and how has the journey been so far?

Fly fishing has traditionally been seen as a male-dominated sport. What challenges did you face breaking into this industry as a woman?

How does Dun Magazine strive to empower and support women in the world of fly fishing?

Can you share a memorable experience or encounter you’ve had while fly fishing that has left a lasting impact on you?

What advice would you give to women who are interested in getting into fly fishing but may feel intimidated or unsure where to start?

How do you see the future of fly fishing evolving, particularly in terms of inclusivity and diversity?

What are some misconceptions people have about fly fishing, and how does Dun Magazine work to dispel them?

Sustainability and conservation are increasingly important in outdoor sports. How does fly fishing align with these values, and how can enthusiasts contribute to preserving natural ecosystems?

Fly fishing requires a deep connection with nature. How do you think this connection impacts people’s lives beyond just the sport itself?

As the founder and editor-in-chief of Dun Magazine, what have been some of the most rewarding aspects of your journey?

Finally, what’s next for Dun Magazine, and what do you hope to achieve in the years to come?

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